This is the second day with the PostgreSQL pg_stat_statements module.
In the previous post, I have shared basic steps to configure and enable pg_stat_statements module for tracking query statistics.

In this post, I have prepared one small DBA script to find query statistics such a way that we can easily see the long executed queries.

The PostgreSQL database administrator can use this script for investigating performance related issues.
SELECT  pd.datname ,pss.query AS SQLQuery ,pss.rows AS TotalRowCount ,(pss.total_time / 1000 / 60) AS TotalMinute  ,((pss.total_time / 1000 / 60)/calls) as TotalAverageTime  FROM pg_stat_statements AS pssINNER JOIN pg_database AS pd ON pss.dbid=pd.oidORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 10;


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